Start-up Enterprise : Living Innovation
Your start-up is backed by wonderful individuals, their energy supported by intellect and hard work displays an unending spirit. Most start-up teams are crazy, people with goals and vision, who want to make a difference in their community, society, state, nation, or worldwide. Isn't this is a good cause for divine intervention.
Knowledge of products and services, SWOT analysis, development requirements, market analysis, market segmentation, competition, buying patterns, sales plan, go to market strategy, sales forecast, projected cash flow, and break-even analysis are essential for getting started.
Let's say it again... it's only good to get start
Why Startups Fail?
Owners and managers are trying to grasp the dynamics of the business they are in. There are too many changes, ones that were unforeseeable or unimaginable at the start of the business.
Your Business Plan and Strategy document would suddenly resemble an out-of-date syllabus, appropriate exclusively for the archaeology department. Is this normal?
Unfortunately, this is a problem that every new business owner faces.
It is not uncommon for the majority of start-ups to fail after a few months, with the majority eventually failing in 2-3 years. Large firms, with an average life of 10–12 years, are in a similar scenario.

We Add The Enterprise Into Your Start-up
ICMG Enterprise Anatomy (a model of linked models), Enterprise Function Units (a collection of interconnected models), and Enterprise Elements (a single variable model) have grown to the point where they are easy to locate and construct. Now is the time to apply these principles to multidisciplinary project management in start-ups.
Now is the time to apply these ideas to start-ups in order to manage multi-disciplinary initiatives.
An integrated model that efficiently reflects several function units (departments) and other areas of the organization, such as Business Strategy, Sales, IT, Support, Marketing, Projects, Production, Design, Engineering, Finance, HR, and so on.
Entrepreneurs must develop an enterprise architecture to serve as a foundation for managing and transforming their businesses.
Our Services
Endless possibilities with strategy and architecture services .

Get score of your Architecture
ICMG Architecture Rating program and service is far ahead and stands above all competitors. Over 1000 projects and solutions across 40 countries have been checked and evaluated. We multiple service options that include rating of single project, multiple projects within a single Function Unit (Department) and Enterprise-wide project rating.

The Secrets of Start-ups
We help create and refine your Enterprise strategies or if you would need us to review strategy execution for one or more of Enterprise Functions like
-Sales and Marketing Strategy
-Digital Strategy
-Product Strategy
-Partnership Strategy
-Delivery & Support Strategy
-HR Strategy
-IT Strategy
-Operations & Logistics Strategy etc.
The More Start-Up Enterprise
Live Longer - The Better
Get access to Industry breakthrough, ICMG Strategy Execution Model (ONE OF THE BEST IN THE WORLD) and use it for executing your strategies,
Create Strategy Variants in days NOT weeks and months
Greater clarity on process, technology, and tasks involved
Developing an approach to cope with continually changing needs
Re-define Enterprise Strategy to Address New Opportunities
Developing a Strategy Execution Model

Start-Up Enterprise -
Engagement Model
At ICMG, our Start-up program is driven by simple logic i.e. The More Start-Up Enterprise Live Longer - The Better.
Fixed fees, percentage of sales, token equity stake, monthly retainer, or a mix of one or more of these options are among the engagement types that match the spirit of the Start-up and its owners.
Reach us. We Add The Enterprise Into Your Start-up.
Isn't Smaller Builds The Smartest Companies In The Nation.

We are excited to offer subscription plan for progressive enterprises