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Information Tech
From Operations to Outcomes Aligning GCCs with Enterprise Anatomy

Breaking the Myth: “Project Architecture” – A $1 Trillion Misconception
Instead of implementing a balcony within the existing structure, teams start designing an entirely new building. The result?

Lessons from Construction: Why IT Architecture Needs a Blueprint
As complexity in increased, the role of civil architects transitioned from optional to essential. The same is true for IT systems today

Case Study: Transforming Retail Lending with Anatomy-Driven IT Architecture
In this case study, we explore how a retail lending platform is transformed from conventional, tool-centric to anatomy-driven architecture

One Anatomy for Every Project and Product: The Key to IT Alignment
It states that the every project has same building blocks—Goals, Processes, Systems, Components, implementation, and operation

The IT Architecture Myth: Breaking Free from Outdated Beliefs
To drive meaningful change, we need to break free from outdated beliefs and embrace a holistic, strategic approach to architecture

Managing Complexity with Project and Product Anatomy: The Retail Lending Example
From managing intricate workflows to integrating multiple systems, the ability to handle complexity effectively is critical

The Myth of Microservices: Why Microservices Alone Don’t Define Architecture
While microservices are a valuable programming design pattern, they are not architecture.

Why Cloud Architecture Is Not Architecture: A Look Beyond Azure and AWS Certifications
Just as bricks, steel, and cement are the materials of construction, cloud platforms are the materials of IT implementation.

The IT Leadership Trap: How Tool Vendors Shape Architecture and Misguide Organizations
Development teams’ proximity to execution gives them disproportionate influence over decisions when architectural leadership is weak

Why Terms Like Security Architecture, Network Architecture, and Data Architecture Are Misleading
Imagine referring to civil architects as “Firewall Architects” or “Router Architects” simply because they design specific security measures

The IT Architecture Myth: Why Everything You've Been Taught Is Holding You Back
In construction, architecture is the backbone of execution. In IT, it's often treated as an afterthought.

Understanding Enterprise Anatomy (Project Version): Enhancing Project Success
In today’s dynamic business environment, managing projects effectively is key to achieving strategic objectives. The Enterprise Anatomy...

Applying Enterprise Anatomy to a CRM System: A Project Success Story
The Enterprise Anatomy (Project Version), created by ICMG, offers the ideal framework for managing a CRM system project.

Architecture is Details of implementation" vs "Architecture is the Basis of Implementation
While it's true that the details are important, they are just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

Navigating the Unknown: Empowering Enterprise Architecture Visionaries
At ICMG, we recognize the challenges especially when their forward-thinking proposals meet resistance from skeptics at every level

The Foundational Distinction Between TOGAF & ICMG Enterprise Anatomy
The foundational distinctions between traditional enterprise frameworks like TOGAF and ICMG's Enterprise Anatomy approach highlight a...

From IT Support to Boardroom Influence: Redefining the Role of Enterprise Architects
Initially, EA did indeed start as a discipline focused largely on the technical and operational aspects of IT within organizations. This...

The Fine Line: The Peril of Equating IT Tools with Architecture
In the intricate dance of developing IT systems, there's an easy misstep that organizations can make: mistaking the tools used for...

How to Improve IoT Architecture Using Zachman Framework in 30 Days Cycle- Part 1
I found this perfect punch line on the net about IoT; it says “Connecting Anything to Internet ≠ IoT.” IoT is a well-integrated, large...

Why Digital Architecture Is The Key To Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation refers to creating business models and value creation in the digital economy by leveraging business process change...

Top Five Artificial Intelligence Technologies that are trending today
Artificial Intelligence is fast maturing as a collection of Technologies that are helping many Enterprises in their Digital...

Digital Architecture or Implementation Details? Simplifying Essential Criteria Of Architecture
Are You Also Calling Your Implementation Models as Digital Architecture? Secrets You Wish You Knew a Year Ago Sounds demented! Because I...

Are new systems becoming legacy faster..?
After evaluating around 300 IT Projects around ICMG IT Architecture Methodology, we had certain findings which was reflecting the actual...

How Companies Are Attracting New Clients By Paying Attention To Architecture!

10 Helpful Strategies If Your IoT Project Resemble A Maze Of Unmanageable Components
Internet of Things (IoT) is essential in bridging the gap between traditional hardware with software systems, business applications with...

What is Enterprise Anatomy and why is it necessary for Enterprise Architecture?
The problem at hand? In the world of Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Anatomy is a new kid on the block. CEO’s kick off Strategic...

Are You Worried - Is the Technology or Architecture Reason Behind New Systems Fast Becoming Legacy?
Often when we hear " Technology" is changing, actually the person in the context is actually trying to say that "implementation" is...
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